A massive earthquake has struck off of the Indonesian coast on 11 Apr 2012, Tsunami warnings have been issued, people are stuck in a traffic jam as they evacuate to higher ground after a strong earthquake was felt in Banda Aceh, Aceh province, Sumatra island, Indonesia. Residents living in tsunami-scarred Aceh province should prepare themselves for a possible repeat of the 2004 disaster, noting historical data indicates tremendous stresses building up along the explosive fault could unleash again anytime within the next half century. Only seven buildings, all built with the help of international aid that poured in after the 2004 disaster, have been set up as emergency shelters, some buildings such as shopping malls, mosques and schools should be added to the list of possible safe heavens.

A warning for Tsunami has been issued in India after the earthquake measuring 8.6 hit the Aceh Darussalam region located in the West Coast of Sumatra in Indonesia at 08:3 GMT.A watch for Tsunami has been issued in 28 countries that include Indonesia, India, Australia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Thailand, United Kingdom, Malaysia, Mauritious, Somalia, Oman, Madagascar, Bangladesh, Tanzania, Mozambique, Kenya, Crozet Islands and several other countries.The states located on the Eastern Coast of India felt the tremors of the earthquake. These include Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore, Patna, Kochi, Thiruvananthapuram, Cuttack, Bhubaneswar, Guwahati and several others. The states of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Andaman and Nicobar Islands have been issued the Tsunami warning as well. Though, no casualties have been reported so far, people have been asked to evacuate the prone areas and move to safer zones.

Metro services in the cities of Kolkata and Bangalore have been put to halt as one of the precautionary measures. A similar earthquake resulted in a destructive tsunami in the year 2004 killing around 2, 50,000 people across the countries located around the Indian Ocean. Another Earthquake of the magnitude 8.2 has hit the Northern Sumatra at 10:43:09 UTC. The epicenter of the earthquake has been recorded at 382 miles SSW of Banda Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia.This earthquake was a "strike slip" quake, which means it thrust from side to side, not vertically, and therefore did not generate a large tsunami. But the quake shows that Aceh has a long way to go, even though there was almost no damage and the only deaths were from heart attacks.


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