The Dana Air's MC Donnell Douglas MD 83 that crashed around Iju-Ishaga area of Lagos on June 3 2012, killed 153 passengers on board and several others on the ground has turned the airline passengers on board the plane that crashed in Nigeria's largest city have been killed, 153 people were on the flight going from Abuja to Lagos. The plane crashed in a densely-populated neighborhood near the airport. Several thousand gathered at the site as firefighters tried to put out flames and carry out survivors.

The plane did not to appear to have nose-dived into a building, but seemed to have landed on its belly. It first crashed through a furniture shop and then into residential buildings next to the workshop in this densely packed neighborhood. The nose of the plane was embedded into the three-story apartment building, damaging only one part of the structure. Fire still smoldered everywhere as several thousand people looked on. It was heard a loud explosion that sounded like a bomb and also it created a massive smoke and flames rising from the crash site around 3:45 p.m. At the crash site, an Associated Press reporter saw parts of the plane's seat signs scattered around. Firefighters tried to put out the smoldering flames of a jet engine and carried at least one corpse from the building that continued to crumble.

Two fire trucks and about 50 rescue personnel were at the site after the plane went down. Some of those gathered around the site helped firefighters bring in the water hoses from their trucks.The Nigerian Red Cross arrived, as well as Nigeria's air crash safety investigators.A military helicopter flew overhead. The sound of the crowd was also occasionally punctuated by the noise of aircraft still landing at the airport.The crash "has sadly plunged the nation into further sorrow on a day when Nigerians were already in grief over the loss of many other innocent lives in the church bombing in Bauchi state."


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