This green stadium was inaugurated jointly by Union Sports and Youth Affairs Minister M. S. Gill and Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit on 2nd April, 2010. Thyagaraj Stadium, constructed for the Commonwealth Games in New Delhi has been tagged as India’s first ever energy-efficient stadium. This majestic structure stands in the heart of the very quiet residential colony behind the famous INA market of Delhi. The stadium is going to be the venue for the netball event of the upcoming Commonwealth Games from October 3rd-14th and will continue to be used for sporting events and activities even after the Commonwealth Games. The stadium has three sets of escalators, separate entrances for players and VIPs, spectators and media people. It is also equipped with three ramps for the physically challenged besides audio-visual signage for those with visual or hearing impairment.

Other features include 10 vertical folding doors with fire sensors, which will enable automatic opening of doors to facilitate mass evacuation in case of fire. Also parts of the system are retractable chairs, imported from China, which withdraw within seconds, enabling quick evacuation at the end of the Games. Built over an area of 16,000 square meters, the Thyagaraj Stadium has been built with the latest green building technologies and eco-friendly material. "This is our first green stadium and it is the only one which has been constructed right from the scratch with Commonwealth Games in mind.

The stadium would be equipped with a gas panel for energy supply. Currently solar energy is being used for lighting purposes. The stadium features effective water management systems such as rainwater harvesting and sewage treatment with two lakh liters a day capacity. "There is no doubt that it is one of the finest multipurpose stadiums in the world". Even after the CWG is over, this stadium can be used to host badminton, Table Tennis, basketball tournaments. We have spent enough money and also the projects due for the Games would be completed on time. This is the only stadium for the games which has been constructed right from the scratch to host netball. It has been constructed as per green building concept.


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